A Guide To Non-Native English Testing For Prospective College Students

If English is not your first language and you plan to matriculate to a university, you may need to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL). There are a lot of steps that you can take in preparation for this test, along with some tips that will allow you to get the highest score that you can on the day of the exam. With this in mind, read on and take advantage of this information, in order to get all that you can out of the TOEFL exam, as you apply for colleges.

Tip #1: Know The Test And What Is Required Of You

Any time that you are putting together an attack plan for taking a test, you will need to understand how the test is laid out and what score is required for you to advance. First and foremost, nail down your test date and decide whether you are going to take the test online in the form of the Internet version (iBT), or on paper at a testing center, in the form of the PBT. The score needed will differ depending on which test you decide to take. In terms of the online test, you will take on many sections with 30 possible points in each section. These scores stay on file for use for 2 years, so remain up to date as you apply to various schools. 

Tip #2: Take As Many Practice Exams As Possible

Prior to the day of the test, make sure that you do all that you can to brush up on your skills and become familiar with the test, through practice exams. These exams will drill you on reading, writing, listening and structure. You will be able to get copies of exams from local community colleges or receive practice exams online, which you can take as often as you need. 

Tip #3: Be Sure To Take Great Notes

The notes that you take during the exam can make or break your performance. This is especially true in the case of the listening section, which you are only allowed to hear once. The more proficient you are at taking notes, the better chance you will have to remain at ease and give yourself the opportunity to answer these questions thoroughly and it great proficiency, in order to score as highly as possible. 

Take these three tips into consideration so that you score as high as you can on the TOEFL. 
